I have put together a list  that I think is representative of the key US military UAV’s.  When you are limited to 10 spots you do leave some out (like Northrop Grumman’s Hunter and Aerovironments Wasp) and did lump General Atomics Predator’s together as a family.  I am mainly just  going to list the UAV’s with photo’s and include the manufacturer’s website where you can get more info.  All info is in the public domain.

A couple of really good resources I use to investigate global UAV applications are noted below:

  • Shephard’s Media – Military Unmanned  Systems Handbook.  They now also have a Commercial Unmanned Systems Handbook.  As of this writing, it isn’t available yet.  I think it  will be available fall of 2017 at an upcoming commercial UAV trade show.
  • Armada International Compendium Unmanned Systems.  This comes out in FEB and there is always a pull-out in the center with most of the major global UAV systems.

The UAV’s are just noted from smallest to largest (not based on popularity).

#1: Aerovironment’s RQ-11B Raven®








Website: http://www.avinc.com/uas

#2: Aerovironment’s RQ-20B Puma™ AE

Website: http://www.avinc.com/uas

#3: Boeing/Insitu’s Scan Eagle

Website: https://insitu.com

#4 Textron Unmanned Systems Aerosonde Mk4.7

Website: www.textronsystems.com

#5 Boeing/Insitu’s Integrator & RQ-21A Blackjack

Website: https://insitu.com

#6: Textron Unmanned Systems RQ-7Bv2 Shadow 200

Website: www.textronsystems.com

#7 Northrop Grumman MQ-8 Fire Scout








Website: http://www.northropgrumman.com/Capabilities/FireScout/Pages/default.aspx

#8 General Atomics Aeronautical Predator Family

Website: http://www.ga-asi.com/aircraft-platforms

#9 Northrop Grumman x47B UCAS

Website: http://www.northropgrumman.com/Capabilities/X47BUCAS/Pages/default.aspx

#10 Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk










Website: http://www.northropgrumman.com/Capabilities/GlobalHawk/Pages/default.aspx

Key UAV News for the Week:

Industry Events for September:

Quote for the week:

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” – Albert Einstein.

UAV Propulsion Tech is unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hardware solution provider of propulsion, servo, autopilot, rescue/recovery parachutes, electric turbofans, pneumatic launchers, fuel flow/level sensors, hyperspectral cameras, INS, digital compasses, fuel cells, motors/generators, GCS and gyro-stabilized EO/IR gimbal solutions. Click on the HOME link above or go to www.uavpropulsiontech.com for more info.


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